Aug. 25

Top Flight Story of the Day

Monday Night Football | December 13th, 2021

At Monday Night Football on December 13th, 2021, Cody Westover, from the ASM Global accounting team, was helping support by cleaning any condiment stations in need of attention. As Cody made his rounds, he came to a series of condiment stations on the West side that were sparkling clean. Cody soon encountered Craft employee Kimmy Bryce, introduced himself and asked if Kimmy was responsible for these extra clean condiment stations. Kimmy humbly confirmed he was. After complimenting Kimmy on the job well done, Cody helped him lift a heavy ketchup container and watched Kimmy set up the pump to try and gain the knowledge in case he may need to reload one himself. Cody continued on and came to another area of condiment stations where guests mentioned they were having a hard time finding ketchup pumps that were loaded. Cody jumped into action and attempted to load a ketchup container into the pump, but struggled to figure it out on his first try. At this point Cody assured the guests he would solve the situation and left to find Kimmy and asked for help. Kimmy immediately agreed and they took off. Once they got to the scene Cody offered “OK, if you can do one side I’ll do the other.” Kimmy turned, looked Cody in the eye and confidently said, “I got this,” and resolved the situation for the guests in the area.